artificial paradise inc.
Artificial Paradise, Inc is an experimental film anticipating a future where a major corporation has developed an unique software, based on organic virtual reality, which holds all the lost memories of humankind. A user connects to this database of the forgotten…what is he searching for?
Selected at the ONEDOTZERO festival in the WOW+FLUTTER 09 category.
Selected for the Autodesk 2009 Siggraph Show Reel.
Production : Condor
Director / editor / compositing : Jean-Paul Frenay
Main 3D artist / compositing : Sandro Paoli
3D artists : Sylvain Jorget and Sébastien Desmet
Additional 3D operators : Otto Heinen and Okke Voerman
Sound Design : Seal Phüric feat. Neptunian8
the emptiness, all there is to it

super-kamiokande, a 50 thousand ton water cherenkov detector (via make online)

assault girls: csinos lányok, nagy fegyverek, mészgödör
Crackhabzsolás szájszélre keményedett látható eredménye keveredik a Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future nyolcvanas években felköhögött, erősen színházias látványvilágával: csak az legyen a képernyőn, ami fókuszban van, amit nem használunk, ott sem lesz. Ennek megfelelően sivatagi bikermaszkba és fekete szárnypárba öltözött japánlányok óriási fegyverekkel tüzelnek pixeltöredékekre őslényeket, de nagyokat, azt mondanád, Avalon, ahogy töredeznek, megnézed a rendezőt, Mamoru Oshii, köhögsz egy kicsit, megigazítod magad a széken, ma én is rendező leszek.
In the aftermath of global thermonuclear war, the Earth’s surface has been turned into a desert battlefield. Three beautiful female hunters: Gray (Meisa Kuroki), Lucifer (Rinko Kikuchi), and Colonel (Hinako Saeki) traverse the barren landscape armed with powerful assault rifles to fight a group of deadly sand-dwelling monsters called “sunakujira” (sand whales). When the the epic battle eventually seems to be coming to an end, the sparkle of muzzle flash dies down and assault ship flies overhead. Suddenly, a gigantic super mutation called “Madara Sunakujira” attacks.
cargo: swiss money, cosmic alienation
Just came across Ivan Engler's SF thriller CARGO - via CPC - looking like a mixture of Ridley Scott's Alien and another up-and-coming deep space corridor thriller Pandorum. Turns out - according what Quiet Earth offers us - that the movie's been in the works for ten years, lived through eight complete script re-writes and is done from Swiss budget only. Looks and feels rigid and cold, perfect! Premiere: Sep 24th, 2009.
The story of CARGO takes place on rusty space-freighter KASSANDRA on its way to Station 42. The young medic LAURA is the only one awake on board while the rest of the crew lies frozen in hibernation sleep. In 4 months will Laura's shift be over.
During her daily patrols, through the eerily empty ship, LAURA begins to get the feeling that she is not alone on-board. A discovery mission in the dark and ice-cold cargo hold ends in catastrophe. The remainder of the crew is awakened. A cat and mouse game begins in which nothing is what it seems. What lies hidden in the strange freight containers and who, or what, is also on-board?
neuromancer, the translationparty mashup
Passing this on as information free, lucid and hal lu ci no genique. Yet another proof for the apparent lack of the linguistic common denominator, Translation Party turns your English sentences to Japanese and back again, continuing the cycle as long as it doesn't reach a sorrowful equilibrium: a point where Jap-Eng-Jap translations invoke a change of zero. So there, a few lines of the classic cyberpunk textbook turned into something horrendously postmodern (if the term still applies, I thought I've evaded that and the lesbian gender studies professors with flying colors after graduating). Continue translating, feed it into a voicebox and dub it over some harsh noise, Kenji Siratori-style. (I evoke you, Kenji Siratori, let us mashup anything with anything and then dub this over!)
Giving it some thought, I actually made some changes in the text - every now and then I decided not to choose the translation end result but made do with some intermediary phase instead, whichever sounded nice. If you come across some sentences that appear to have come from the original text, they probably did and they probably don't exceed the critical limit of three words. Or maybe four. Come, procrastinate wonderfully with us. (And also, read what Gamesradar has to say about the past 25 years where Neuromancer has been a textbook. It has been for us. Look where we ended up.)
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rút, szibarita fémvázak, 2.rész: háromszáz oldal önvallomás helyett
Nem csoda, hogy az ébrentartó érdeklődés egyik fókuszpontja Magyarország, tizenöt évvel ezelőtt a Nyugati pályaudvar metróállomása meg a jelenlegi West End között húzódó, árusokkal penészpettyezett betonfolyosója volt a Gibson-aluljáró, ezt magyarázták nekem, nézzek csak szét a harmincforintos, kétfaszú fodrászokkal (keresztbe könnyebb bekapni, mint hosszában) és a cicanadrághoz passzoló göndörfrizúrokkal telepakolt, lopott jpegekből összerakott fekete-fehér pornómagazinokon meg a taktkazettákon, amik kétszáz forintért már annyira voltak illegálisak, hogy könnyebb volt szemet hunyni felettük, mint bezúzatni őket. Aztán elromlott a zeneipar és dokumentáltan roppantottak meg a sajtó száját pont bezáró mennyiséget vagy Ukrajnának támadt nagyobb szüksége volt a popszakmára. (Lent Alina Zavalska Ukrajnából, perdöntő bizonyíték.)

A balkánkelet szomorúnemecsekje azóta hálásan köpi az epigont, amikor van mit neki, azok meg pár kör után eltűnnek a lefolyó mélyén, hiába tanultátok azt a CSIból, hogy addig kell rángatni a vécélehúzót, amíg vissza nem hozza az örvényfizika a gyilkos vérével festett tampont, az kurvára nem igaz. Jóindulattal szólva nem, de amúgy hangrólhangra jelenség volt a Bonanza Banzai meg az Escalator is, akiknek legjobb számát (Anatomia, live in Dessau) is csak azért rakom be, mert egy az egyben Front 242 a Front 242-t idézi, a szöveget viszont nem lehet érteni, így nem is szembesülünk az olyan ellenkulturális bravúrokkal, mint a pupilla-reflex negatív, az exitus beállt / a műtőasztalon a lélek a testemtől elszállt. (Az ilyenekért amúgy három nap magánzárka jár, haragudni viszont nehéz, az Anatomia alapjaitól meg tíz évet fiatalodtam, szomorú pesti dilemma ez.)
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splinters: aliens and blade runner scenes in cryengine 2
Splinters. Fishing out all the details from the inbox and spreading it to you, exactly as they were months ago. Won't move on until the splinters are not layered out on the floor evenly so that you could end up with aching feet. Or whatever that is that you're walking on.




A group of three talented artists have put together an amazingly accurate scene from the science-fiction movie classic Blade Runner using Sandbox 2 World Editor. (via incrysis)
manifest destiny
Every time I find myself the recipient of one of these late night phone calls, tramping through some back alley behind another dark abandoned warehouse... Stuttering another secret password... Entering another hastily constructed operating room... Scalpel in hand, performing another indescribable procedure... I see another pair of eyes... By now in the hundreds... Staring... Whenever I try to sleep... Another member of an unenviable audience... Asking a painfully simple question for which I have no answer... Why... Cranston says I need to “detach”. I suppose he’s right. I can no longer bear their judgment. I leave them here... On the table... As I scribble my signature on the confidentiality agreement, I leave them to their fate... I say goodbye... (via io9 as the creepiest surgery scene in the world)

henry rollins vs the techno viking
Henry "artériával villázok a moshpitben, ne közelíts" Rollins és a berlini teuton testépítő, Harry tesztoszterontól süppedő násza, magyar hangja Steve Porter. (via boingboing)
paul robertson and his mecha fetus movies of 8-bit joy
"Paul wants to RIVERSIDE MUTHA FUCKA deet deet deet deet deet deet pooom pooom." We really wouldn't like to bother you now, Paul, would we. Still, let's give this a try. Last weekend's Budapest Micro fest gave us splendors like Nullsleep, blasted and multiplied by gorgeous and psychotic visuals such as this piece of holy jewel below, Kings of Power 4 Billion % done by Paul Roberson (not the Canadian businessman. Make this poor man a Wikipedia entry, let him procrastinate.) Below, a joyful orgy of anything and everything you could have pillaged from the last twenty years of the past millennium: from epic massacres to sword-wielding chibis and kids whose movement always ends up as ten changes of adjacent pixels, but hell, their number is just pure legion. (Yes, I know we talk 8-bit art. Move on.)
The Kings of Power 4 Billion % music was composed by Cornel Wilczek (seriously, let's just backtrack here for a while - you don't compose nowadays, that stuff you hear there? that's a contraption. that's being done with a tracker. or a gameboy. operated by nipple twists and a theremin.), if you want some massive oldschool (or lesbian schoolgirl, I'd love to post it and Google would so monkeyslap me out of the AdSense cartwheel) artwork, check up on The Mecha Fetus Visublog and don't forget to check out one of his older movies, Pirate Baby's Cabana Street Fight, check out part one, YouTube the rest.
sin tuesday

Hello, this is Sin Tuesday. Do whatever you feel like doing, be prepared for updates. I am re-possessing my brain that was used as an outsourced computer for Hungarian national security science commandos. Which obviously raises the question - what if you could use human brains to actually render porn and then burn those visions to a HD and then bam! Add an adult movie title randomizer, an adult movie script randomizer that automatically crossreferences scripts with available actors/actresses and there you go, automated, on-demand porn industry is there, on the rise. Oh. Did I just give you an idea there? Hire me. (via
penfield's electrode: the author speaks
This past month? It was about digging up obscure stuff on YouTube, partly amateur cyberpunk concepts, short films, idea buds, you name it. One lucky contestant was Penfield's Electrode, Brainmove's weird mixture of a moody narrative and when the medical bioterror storyline would kick in, bam, cliffhanger. No part two anywhere. We even missed it.
So, I had a friendly chat with the man behind Penfield's Electrode. The project is basically a one-man show with some friends helping out with the acting and Brainmove working on the story, editing and recruiting friends who need to be convinced over pints of beer. (What's more to come, he'll be making his debut as the male lead in a couple of episodes.) It's basically all wrapped together with a cheap Canon handycam, an iMac and a CompositeLab Pro. Some progress has already been done on the second episode and it's going to be done in a reasonable timeframe. Whatever that means.
singapore in 2015
Gleeful childlike nostalgia, the Singapore skyline, laced with families, nothing more than flickering neon Morse tweets scattered over downtown. Gleeful childlike nostalgia, how elements of Appleseed, Bubblegrum Crisis and devilishly cheerful Microsoft "future ads" pop up in this six-minutes long "we almost had this, the future" video on how Singapore in 2015 will actually look like. See how all the points connect? Obviously not. This is a nodal point now.
Intelligent Nation 2015 (iN2015) is Singapore’s 10-year masterplan to help us realise the potential of infocomm over the next decade. Led by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), iN2015 is a multi-agency effort that is the result of private, public and people sector co-creation.From the people sector, individuals provided their ideas and views through focus groups and the Express iT! iN2015 Competition. The competition attracted thousands of entries from students and the general public on how they envisioned infocomm would impact the way they live, work, learn and play in 2015. In addition, hundreds of private and public sector representatives participated in numerous discussions to come up with ideas for transforming their sectors through infocomm, and how to translate these ideas into reality. (in2015 via @dawe_ via @bruces)
human perfection, what could go wrong?


Synopsis: FBI agents (Bruce Willis and Radha Mitchell) investigate the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves-fit, good looking remotely controlled machines that ultimately assume their life roles-enabling people to experience life vicariously from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The murder spawns a quest for answers: in a world of masks, who’s real and who can you trust? (via cpc)
The Surrogates theatre launch date: September 25, 2009.
ridley scott confirmed to direct new alien movie
After months of rumor and speculation, Variety confirms that 20th Century Fox plans to keep the "Alien" franchise alive with a prequel film that will be directed by original helmer Ridley Scott. (...) Screenwriter Jon Spaihts has been hired to write the prequel after the studio was impressed by his work on two space thrillers, both for Keanu Reeves, called Passengers and Shadow 19. (via