Vakondok 2: film undergroundról, tehetségről és a lehetetlenről
Tettünk fel neked a gépre... szünet, dolgokat. Szerintünk tetszeni fog. A komplett Elendernek eláll a pólója húsz fokban a ventillátortól, én meg megilletődött, apró gyermekként (kemény, sose gondoltam vissza arra, hogy valaha voltam gyerek is, persze mások szerint sosem voltam más) állok a pult mögött, értem, hogy dolgokat, de balról jobbra akarok menni a Golden Axeban a törpével, annak bárdja van. Nagy bárdja. Adjátok ide a nehéz szürke műanyag dobozt. Pár óra elteltével újra meg újra megnézem a Second Realityt, végre olyan videoklip, amiben jó a zene, absztrakt a látvány, szinkronizálva van a kettő, ritmusos. Nagyon jó. Elindítom még egyszer. (Három nap múlva phongot meg raytraced tiefightereket vakarok ki a zsemléből, mit nekem elesdé.)
Aztán eltelnek évek. A demoscene fejlődik, én is vele együtt, zenét írni tanulok, mert a demosceneből ezt tanultam, lemezújságnak írok tartalmat meg gyártok borítót (floppyrólváltás óta nincs meg a Morphosis 1 óta semmi, ha valakinek megvannak az eddigi számok, könyörgöm!), mert ezt láttam, az absztrakt és a szerves látványvilág keveredésére esküszöm, mert az a legizgalmasabb, de ha az absztrakt mozog és hangot ad, már az is jó, táblázatban látom a zenét, miközben hallgatom és valahol nagyon régen felesküdtem arra, hogy hatvannégy kilobyteból is lehet díjnyertes "videoklipet" csinálni. Nehéz beszélni az underground alkotóművészet igazi kincsesbányájáról, ebben nőttem fel, a magyarázkodás, magyarázat, a sávváltás lefelé mindig lendületet tör.
Hála az égnek, másoknak nem. Idén ijesztően sok dokufilmet néztem, egy magyar vitte el a csúcsot közülük, a Vakondok 2, a Cserepesház kellős közepén (fenét, jobb hátul) ülök és remeg a lelkem, ahogy az első három perc introja darabokra szedi a retinámat (megint) meg a fülemet (megint) meg ami közte van (többször) és vigyorogva tudom üzenni a készítőknek, hogy ezzel finoman letarolták a mezőnyt (megint), azoknak pedig, akiknek fogalmuk sincs arról, hogy miről beszélek még mindig, itt az idei fakkje dokumentumfilm oldala, fent a trailer, itt egy magyarázócikk, ez a magyar bázis, innen meg elkezdheted leszedni a produktumokat (sose jössz ki belőle, ha egyszer elkezded). Alul meg az introzene, Echolith. Apró, háromszöglapokból összetett loveletter sokunk lelkének.
Köszönjük. (Januártól tölthető a film. Türelemmel addig.)

THE DOSE: free Xmas download, vive la revolution!
Hello. This is Damage von Rock and based on where you are, this post is hammered out right around the winter solstice. And we have a present for you. Last summer we completed another issue of The Dose, a PDF mag for altculture lovers, cyberpunks, goths, industrialheads, synthpop fans, all the music lovers in electro black. Our main topic was Paris, our approach a tad more mainstream than the past issues on Tokyo, London and Budapest. And after a year of keeping it afloat on the webs of the internet for money, we now give it to you for free. Mostly because it's Xmas. I hate the word but I know everyone expects a bit of free this and free that around this time of the year. So there, take it and read it and share it. Next year brings you a new magazine. It's all I can say for now. (I still have a book to wrap up ATM.)
Merry Bukkake to you all. Because we wouldn't have it any other way.
(Mag includes interviews with Clelia Altair, Punish Yourself, Lukas Zpira, Die Puppe, Foretaste, Miss Kittin, Scan X, Dejobaan Games, Nohno/Kibuka, Blue Stahli, the RJDJ crew, Shiv-R and Black Nail Cabaret. Feature articles on French steampunk, cyberpunk movies, psytrance, Chinese underground music, etc.)
team 2x: jedi ninjas
'Jedi Ninjas' a Team2X production. Directed by James Mark and Justin Lovell. Concept & produced by James Mark and Yung Lee (GakAttack). Action Designed by and Featuring Team2x. Visual FX by Yung Lee (GakAttack)
Jedi Ninjas was developed as a passion project to recreate the current style of Star Wars action seen in video games into live action. This style often combines elements of Force powers with the use lightsaber combat. As there are no upcoming live action Star Wars movies to this date, this was a project to make many of the fans' dreams into a reality.
Team 2X is a professional martial arts performance consisting of members with experience in Hollywood films and television. With their unique talent in creating mind blowing fight sequences and GakAttack's passion for combining Visual FX with Martial Arts action. Jedi Ninjas became the result of this collaboration. (via kotaku)
NEUROMANCER: more details unveiled (games, changes, prequel)
Underground cinema movie gangsters at Quiet Earth have just, no pun intended, unearthed a CD-length TIFF Nexus panel discussion with Vincenzo Natali (writer/director of Neuromancer), Jay Firestone (producer), Francesca Accinelli (director for Canada Media Fund's English Market) and Trevor Fencott (president/CEO of Bedlam Games) about Neuromancer as a film and a game project. If you're interested in the whole discussion, head over to Quiet Earth for all the seventy-something minutes of goodness, if you're short on time, come on in to read the most important facts we've gathered.
Read more
FRAGMENT: ♫ the cemetary girlz - sleeping screams
French batcave on absinthe and angst. ( | vampirefreaks | reverbnation | discogs | myspace)
TRAILER: zenith: pkdickian milgram experiments and neurosurgery
In the post-apocalyptic year 2044, the population has been genetically altered to live in a constant state of happiness, but without sorrow, happiness dissipates, leaving only a feeling of never-ending paresthesia. Only pain can make people feel alive.
Jack (Peter Scanavino), a young man and former neurosurgeon, is a peddler of substances that induce pain. A stranger knocks on Jack’s door and hands him a single video tape that Jack’s long lost father, Ed Alexander Crowley (Jason Robards III), left behind. It is the first in a series of 10 tapes in which Ed has documented his life and his pursuit of what he calls the “Grand Conspiracy,” a conspiracy that quite possibly could be the answer to what happened to Jack’s world. (, more about it via wikipedia or surla films on vimeo)
shame and casual sex
Set in Manhattan, the film follows Brandon (Michael Fassbender), a 30-something corporate executive, as he struggles with sex addiction. He has casual encounters with women he meets on the streets, hardcore sex with prostitutes and masturbates to double-anal videos he stores on his hard drive at work.
Though the NC-17 film is rife with sex—in full-frontal detail—there is little pleasure in it. Instead, Shame captures what it’s really like to live with sex addiction: Brandon is devastatingly lonely and emotionally shut off from the world. That is, until his chartreuse sister (Carey Mulligan) comes to live with him, further complicating his life and exposing his shame. (via boingboing)
And right after this pops up an article on Psychology Today, claiming But "Shame" draws an inaccurate comparison between casual sex--an experience typically outside the context of a romantic relationship--and reckless sex. Under the right circumstances, casual sex can be deeply meaningful and more intimate than the sex in a long-term relationship. Those of us who have casual sex know that its not devoid of emotion, nor does it lead to the unhappiness Brandon suffers. (more about the charms of a casual lover at
Share your thoughts with me on this. Almost at page 200, exhausted and bored.
Az alfahullámosok meg a matt ezoterikus feladatgyűjteménnyel varázslók azt mondják, hogy az ébredés utáni pár perc azért jóizgalmashasznos, mert akkor még más frekvencián rezeg az emberi agy, csak gondolni kell arra, amit akarsz és az megindul feléd. A kávébögre telekinetikáját viszont mindig hétfő reggel nyolckor tartották, úgyhogy arra be sem jártam, nem is megy a sith power pull. Ellenben értetlen arccal nézem a notepadet, félálomban még azt írtam bele, hogy ondóhangon beszélni meg dolgozni kell még Ódin mászóhorgán. Amúgy helló, örülök, hogy itt vagy. (Nem.)
A kéziratot decemberben lezárom, akár tetszik, akár nem, mondjuk én sosem vagyok vele megelégedve, másoktól meg kedvező visszajelzések jönnek, ez valahol így természetes. A kiadóm könyörög, hogy lastminute technikai dolgokat ne írjak bele, mert ez is olyan béta lesz, mint a kibaszott Gmail, úgyhogy próbálok EPOC braincontrollerrel írni, look ma, no hands. Utána, azt hiszem, lesz agyam arra is, hogy értelmes mondatokat írjak ide is és ne printbe irányítsam az összes szikrát. Az év, amúgy, remek volt, készülnek az összesítő posztok meg a statisztikák, harmadik-negyedik héten indul a roham. Ezt pusztán egy kávé után ittam. Érződik is. Írtam. Have a nice day, /b/tards.
(Igen, a kép még mindig Vertigo meg Transmetropolitan.)
SCI: world's first cell race

It may not seem as exciting as a title fight in Las Vegas, but for the cell biologists participating in the World's First Cell Race there was the same thrill of victory and the agony of defeat as they placed their cells on a special petri dish racetrack.
A line of bone marrow stem cells from the National University of Singapore walked — or whatever cells do — away with the honors traveling at 5.2 microns per minute. That's 0.000204 inches per minute to you and I. (via dvice)
skyrim + kinect
I know. Skyrim as the next big woah has been on for three weeks straight and it's guaranteed to stay there for the Christmas holidays with all the tweeks and hastily realized ideas (and then January comes with the Skyrim Construction Kit and all hell will break loose) and I've heard hardcore Korean otaku friends lashing out madly at the level of enthusiasm Skyrim fans have (and that's quite an absurd moment in life). Still, something we've all been expecting and it's here quite fast: Skyrim with motion and voice control. Not the smoothest but I bet I'd sacrifice a few hours nightingalebowing all Forsworn in the head. (via kotaku)
AR: this is how you fill your room with Tron (and a PS3 and some projection)
We were funded by the Video Store of PlayStation® Store ( to make a series of movie related videos using 'Immersive Imaging' which takes 3D projection mapping as its starting point, but gives the viewer a supercharged experience with the help of the PlayStation Move controller.
In the past, projection mapping worked only from a single, static view point, and thus was very limited. By attaching the PlayStation Move to the camera, we can track projections to screens in real time, enhancing the effect of spatial deformation and false perspective on the projections and allowing viewers to look round (virtual) corners, bend walls, create a hole in the wall, or remove the walls altogether to reveal vast expanses of virtual worlds. (via the verge)
PORTRAIT: Korehira Watanabe, the sword maker
As one of Japan's last remaining swordsmiths, Korehira Watanabe has honed his craft for 40 years while attempting to recreate the mythical Koto sword. (more on vimeo)
TEENCULT: korean taekwondo shuffle
2NE1/LMFAO first few seconds of real taekwondo shuffling keeping it real tight, the rest is nonshuffle muscle hammering of a decent kind (yet we'd hammer it out differently, yes).
ART & FURNITURE: octopus table (isaac krauss)

Then, while taking his first bronze sculpting course, Krauss unearthed the idea and set to work. He admits to having had very little experience working with bronze, but felt that stretching beyond his limits would push him as an artist. The most difficult aspect of this project, according to Krauss, was the detailed suction cups and applying them to the octopuses eight arms. (more via boingboing)
This is was an animation I directed and designed as part of the Psst! Pass It On festival. To see the full film check out (more on vimeo, via Miss Toyclouds)
TECH: kinect 2 possibly reading lips and emotions
But Kinect 2 might be even more mind-blowing, if a new report at Eurogamer is to be believed. Eurogamer's Wesley Yin-Poole writes that whatever replaces Kinect will be so accurate that it'll be able to read your lips and facial expressions to interpret your emotional state. Higher-resolution capture and a direct connection to a beefier chipset will allow for an exponential increase in capabilities, says an unnamed source. (more via kotaku)
LIVE: outblast & korsakoff @ syndicate 2011
Korsakoff always counts as dailykawaii, Outblast a powerpunch, Day-már's gone to pack schranz instead and the stuff that's on is the brilliant track Nothing to Lose by Neophyte & The Viper. Happy Monday.
COSPLAY: diablo (the world according to joshua smith)
Diablo 3 Diablo Costume
Built by Joshua SmithThe entire upper half of the costume's body was constructed, assembled, and painted in the time frame of 8 days, each day working approximately 4 hours. About $145 has went into the materials, all of them being purchased from Walmart except for the black gloves (marching gloves) that were bought from a local music store.
I do intend on going to BlizzCon this coming year. Hope to see you guys there! (diablo iii costume, via kotaku)

TECH: BendDesk (curved display multi-touch)
A research project from the RWTH Aachen University Media Computing Group and Department of Work and Cognitive Psychology in Germany is developing a desk in which the entire curved surface is a multi-touch touch screen and display, removing the need for keyboard, mouse and separate display. (find out more on physorg, via warrenellis' delicious)
ART: Vinicius Quesada, Blood Piss Blues

Vinicius Quesada is a collage/street artist from São Paulo, Brazil. In 2010, he created a series of dystopian images titled Blood Piss Blues, “with real blood.”
The images suggest a world in which the peak oil crisis has occurred, where children play in dismantled subway cars and where dense, polluted cities house homeless refugees, sword-wielding geisha and… psychedelic cats. At least that’s one interpretation. (via coilhouse)
Reminds me every single time that I should actually buy a TV so that I could meditate on the noise and the steganography that the gridline loa resonate throughout the interwebs.

For a limited time only, our readers will receive 20% off the GHST RDR collection when purchasing the jacket and skirt together, or a 10% discount when buying individual pieces. (...) Offer ends December 1, so straggle not! (via the ever amazing zoetica and also hautemacabre)
LOOT: Diablo III Demon Hunter coat

The upcoming Kraków winter might not be the best time of the year to get this, but it sure as hell makes me want to fastforward in time to March (also because of the book release date and the nightrides). Resident Diablo III maniac reader Riplakoidase sent it over during the weirdly nonsensical moments of morning and my opinion is: it's great but it would be way better to take this image to a seamstress and tell her to further customize that to your own needs. As far as the original site says, it's "Fleece Long Hooded Coat with Cowl-Neck Contrast Hood. Contrast Seam Binding at Shoulder Yoke, Pockets & Placket. 3 Slash Logo Embroidery, Demon Hunter Snaps & Printed Artwork at Back.60% Cotton/40% Polyester Fleece" and you can't order it yet. Which is a shame. (product page at, via Riplakoidase and
VIDEO: Gruyères, the H.R. Giger bar
Coming straight from DVICE is a 27-seconds vid from Gruyères, the H.R. Giger bar (and I'm not sure about the photo/video policy so check this out as long as you can, not much but still a great teaser of what's there, nighttime lighting would suit it better, though) that seems to be the only one left on this globe after the Yakuza took over the Tokyo building (and there's no metamovie about the Jap occult yakuza turning it into a carnal temple and then facehuggers released at an orgy and...)... and yeah I know, guy on the vid looks almost like Beardyman!
