I hesitated / before restarting P://D
that bound my personality together.

I’ll need a bit of time before laying down new foundations. Until neoconcrete solidifies, I thought visual reminders and summaries would work well. They come from the Foursquare Time Machine, Xefer, Last.fm and Wolfram Alpha respectively. I’d appreciate behavioral pattern analysis softwares. Or jobs that land me with access to softwares like that. Yes, freelancers love experimenting.

On another note: if you see design glitches around, that’s completely normal, I’ll be trying to come up with new solutions for a HQ. Working with multiple content platforms with future shock speed can land you in a sad, fucked up port of cognitive dissonance with not enough caffeine or porn. Oh yeah. Jobs that land you with access to behavioural analysis software don’t appreciate personal blogs about porn references. Or do they.

[The Foursquare Time Machine]



[Personalized Facebook Reports from Wolfram Alpha]