Everybody loves selection and top n posts, so here’s one for you at the end of the year about alternative culture and underground magazines you could either download freely or get very, very cheap. Treat yourself because they contain great content, we approve of them and think about them dearly. Others approve of our magazine as well and think about it dearly. But we recommend you the others just as well. Come on now, click away!


February 2012 will see the debut of Arc, a bold new digital publication from the makers of New Scientist.

Arc will explore the future through cutting-edge science fiction and forward-looking essays by some of the world’s most celebrated authors – backed up with columns by thinkers and practitioners from the worlds of books, design, gaming, film and more.

Arc 1.1 will be available from mid-February 2012 on iPad, Kindle and as a limited print edition. (more in the press tumblr release)

auxiliary magazine

Found this somehow, according to the bookmarks, via Marlo Marquise. A very solid piece of altculture magazine with a heavy emphasis on the glamout/fashion side of us stylish new wonderkid scum. Grab this now!

machete girl

Cyberpunk PDF zine Machete Girl is getting stronger – this is their sixth issue and Matt’s doing a great job educating the younger generations of the cyberpunks, rivetheads and industrial kids. Grab all the issues off machetegirl.com, it could otherwise cost you bucks when they turn commercial! (Yeah I know, cyberpunks don’t turn commercial. Yeah, in fact, they do.)


Coilhouse is clearly the best magazine for the altlovers around. Stylish, luscious, livid, anything from a love letter through a coffeetable mag to one of the best documentations of the educated underground mindset. Too bad we can’t order PDFs. (Yeah, we ordered the first five when they were available. But seriously. You need to have this on paper.)

the dose

THE DOSE, issue 3 (Paris)

Shameless self-promotion begins! The now-free Paris issue of The Dose contains interviews and feature articles about all things cyberpunk and if you’re ready to rock out in Paris, check our 100-places-to-visit collection, you’ll need them. It has a gorgeous repertoire of pubs and other places where you lose your humanity and prudence. And no, we do not warn you. In fact, it’s an invitation!