Grant Morrison, my favourite shapeshifter (who turned from comics writer extraordinaire to chaos magician to a ROCKSTAR) has just claimed another place on my shelves. So far it’s been only his hypersigil series of The Invisibles and its flipside, The Filth, now it’s all gone to a book, an especially good one. SUPERGODS is basically a 300-page peek into the evolution of superheroes, their impact on culture, religion and the global sub- and superconscious. There’ll be a review soon here (I know I promised to review Bukkake Brawl for JunkDNA, so I’m jumping on that one first) but if you’re interested to see what you’re about to invest in, check this legal 80-page teaser on Scribd below. And while you’re at it, check his Pop Magic! treatise and his (btw quite amazing) drug-crazed presentation at Richard Metzger‘s Disinfo.