LumiTable: a 63×13 inch table with an apparently glamorous and brilliant light. The tablecloth version is teethgrittingly subtle and passé at the same time but I can definitely imagine this being used for experimental fashion and basically any use which is not about being a tablecloth. Get back to us when you found out how to power up the glamourcloth via wifi from the sockets. (via gizmodo)


Star Place is a new Taiwanese department store designed by Dutch architects UNStudio. Outside, the building is beautiful, with a curved façade that glows in a weird star-like moiré pattern. However, the best part of this structure is inside, in its 10-storey atrium, where the designers have constructed an spiral stair made by rotating escalators over a central axis. (via gizmodo)

Hexbugs. Looked promising, then suddenly I realized we cannot rev-engineer them, cannot hack them and cannot eat their DNA. No good.